Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Romantic Relationships

Romantic Relationships
Romantic relationships are part and parcel of ones life. Man is bound to pay his gratitude to these relationships. This is a human feeling to love somebody and feels an emotional binding inwardly. This attachment of emotions works actively, since childhood in ones life. No person can deny this hard truth. The basis of such relationships is based upon true commitments. The true lovers create a lifelong relationship based upon unconditional love bindings. A love- based foundation under a certain harmony solidify the existence of two individuals to live together and share the sweetest feelings accordingly. We can describe this as commitment of relationships.

Love is the most powerful feeling in this world, with it everything is possible. It encompasses the peace of mind and complete harmony to live for each other. A binding relationship remains without boundaries and unconditional, by its nature. The relationship altogether with pure emotions, by loving and being loved in response. We find a very interesting reality that it a personal choice which one makes and feels quite contended with his or her decision. The feeling of the power to choose uplifts the emotional level of commitment. The relationship starts with inner motive and remains personal choice. A lot of people have left their family, city, country and sometimes the kingship to get their loved ones. No matter if somebody is poor or rich, black or white, having same status or family yet love works under emotional control and sometimes we call it blind. A true love defines your future and way of living in this world. Any relationship based upon some other motive like wealth or worldly position suffers a breakup and the individuals are no more attracted to live together because they don’t have a love binding to compromise with the condition or the consequences to hold the internal feelings. Life is beautiful due to the presence of love and harmony so it should be led by commitment and regards.                              

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